Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fun Valentine's Day Ideas

Here are some fun Valentine's Day ideas.  This year I made my hubby breakfast in bed with heart shaped baconheart shaped egg, and pink heart shaped pancakes.  He loved it.  I was having so much fun I forgot to make myself breakfast.  Here's to hoping I get served breakfast in bed next year.  :)

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I also made heart shaped whoopie pies & M&M blondies bars & pretzel & Hershey's kiss Valentine's treat.  The M&M bars were good, but the whoopie pies didn't taste very good.  You can't win them all.

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Last year I made him a 52 Things I Love About You deck of cards.  On each card I wrote something that I love about him.  Cheesy, but fun!

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Our first Pinterest Party!

My twin sister Mollie and her friend Lindsay came up with the great idea to have a Pinterest Party! Knowing I am a pinner as well, they invited me. We came up with two projects we wanted to test out. The first was to make Quotes on Canvas. We ripped out magazine pictures and then mod podged them on a canvas. We had bought letter stickers, and once the mod podge was dry, we placed them on the canvas to make out our quotes. Then we painted over them, peeled them up, mod podged again, and Woila! While we were making our canvas's we were also making home-made Laundry Detergent. I'll tell you what - we had a BLAST! And they both came out great!

Here are our tips:
Canvas Project
*It only takes about 15-20 minutes for the mod podge to fully dry
*Make sure to keep in mind what color you will be painting your canvas and choose pictures that contrast
*Let paint sit for a few minutes but make sure to peel up letters when paint is still wet!
Laundry Detergent
*Split soap in half and microwave each half until softer. (Makes it easier to shred)!
*Don't tell your children the soap looks like shredded cheese!
*The detergent's consistency will thicken but just give it a shake when you're ready to use it and it is still effective!
*Buy your supplies (even containers) at the dollar store to save even more money!